• SEVILLE – WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2.–5. 4. 2014 |
Jako každoročně i letos IOF pořádala světový kongres WCO-IOF-ESCEO-SEVILLE 2014, WORLD CONGRESS ON OSTEOPOROSIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS AND MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASES Wednesday, April 2, 2014 - Saturday, April 5, 2014 Tak jak každoročně i letos se OAZ o.p.s prezentovala na tomto mezinárodním foru. Jednak to bylo 6 posterů Statistical significance of individual mutated polymorphisms VDR, ESR1, OPG, SOST and their combinations in patients from central Moravia, CZ (Part III.) Frequency of combinations of mutated polymorphisms in candidate genes for osteoporosis VDR, ESR1, LRP5, OPG and SOST in patients from central Moravia, CZ (Part II.) Frequency of polymorphisms in candidate genes for osteoporosis VDR, ESR1, LRP5, OPG and SOST in patients from central Moravia, CZ (Part I.) A relation among bone phenotypes and gene polymorphisms for vitamin D receptor (VDR) and oestrogen receptor alpha (ESRα) in the Central Moravia region Conceptual frame of psychotherapy for patients with osteoporosis from a point of view of clinical psychology Important aspects of group cohesion which lead to personality strengthening in art therapeutic workshops for patients with osteoporosis at Osteology Academy in Zlin
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