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Osteology Academy Zlin, public benefit organization
tř. Tomáše Bati 3910, 760 01 Zlin, Czech Republic

News and Events

• WOD 2012

On October 17th 2012, at the occasion of WOD, we prepared the main event of Osteology Academy Zlín together with the Patient’s Organisation at the Osteology Academy Zlín.
The program was composed of lectures prepared for audience formed by our patients.
The main topic was Capture the Fracture.

Two introductory speeches:
The Significance of the World Osteoporosis Day
– A. Vančurová
Capture the Fracture and Its World Importance
– presented by Pavel Novosad MD

Further vocational lectures followed:
Surgical Care of Osteoporotic Fractures and Cooperation with Osteology Academy Zlín – Filip M., Linzer P., Šámal F., Kremr J., Jurek P.
Aftercare and Prevention of Secondary Fractures in Zlín Region
– Hrdý P., Novosad P.
Fractures and Fracture Prevention in Child Age
– Čamborová P.

In closing, P. Novosad MD and PhD P. Novosadová referred about their participation at the World Forum 2012 in Oxford where they were invited to represent the Czech Republic.

More than 120 patients participated at this event which was very positively received. In respect to our long term cooperation with the Patient's Organisation at OAZ, which has over 300 active members at present, we are able to declare that the problematic of Capture the Fracture has been presented in our region very well and to our satisfaction. We were pleased to receive a very positive reaction from our patients. It is possible to observe a fruitful outcome of this intensive campaign. The enclosed model program includes current results.

Enclosed photo documentation proofs our patients' involvement and interest.

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