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Osteology Academy Zlin, public benefit organization
tř. Tomáše Bati 3910, 760 01 Zlin, Czech Republic

Public Benefit Activities

The Osteologic Academy of Zlin (OAZ) established by the Czech Medical Society of Jan Evangelista Purkyne (CMS JEP) is an institution reporting to the board of directors of CMS JEP. The goal of OAZ is to coordinate the education in the field of metabolic skeletal diseases and collaborate with other departments of the Czech Medical Society and the Society for Metabolic Skeletal Diseases. OAZ creates clusters to address several problem areas.

Having the greatest number of patients in the Czech Republic, outpatient departments, laboratories, and instrumental diagnostics OAZ represents an integral potential enabling to achieve significant advancements resulting in a higher effectiveness and productivity of applied medical and scientific knowledge in the field of the metabolic skeletal diseases.

This cluster organization brings the following benefits::

1. For patients

They will learn correct procedures and optimal ways of preventive care, i.e., the treatment of their diseases. This improves patient’s cooperation with their physicians.

2. For physicians

OAZ will coordinate the aforementioned goals. The possibility to adjust the composition of the cluster will allow for non-standard procedures that will be verified using models and in practice. Specific conclusions will serve as a basis for practical treatments of patients and for collaboration with the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and insurance companies. Optimized methods of treatment will be created and due to the cluster organization they will also include considerations and recommendations from other related specializations (for instance from dietetology, gastroenterology, oncology, etc.).
Such approach enables not only a medical but also overall economic effectiveness.

3. For CMS JEP

The organization will be able to validate solutions for complex interdisciplinary medical issues using the cluster optimization model. Cluster organization structure has a build-in flexibility and ability to react quickly in a given medical field.

4. For the Czech Republic

An effective organizational structure will be created to address interdisciplinary matters where the academic level, the private medical sector, the nation sector, and the insurance companies will cooperate and influence each other. Such management provides for optimized reaction to changes in diagnostics and recommended preventive care in the Czech Republic. This approach may serve as a model for a solution of really complex interdisciplinary medical issues while preventing economic losses.

The organization structure and the economic rules of the Osteologic Academy of Zlin will fully comply with regulations of CMS JEP and its ethical code.

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zavl logo OAZ
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Základní informace
Struktura společnosti
    Public Benefit Activities  
    Practical Activities Cluster  
    Diagnosis Cluster  
    Therapy Cluster  
    Social Activities Cluster  
    Proposed Output of Clusters Activities  
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